What is CDS?
Chlorine dioxid solution (also referred to as CDS) has been a topic of increasing discussion, particularly during the Corona pandemic. But what exactly is it and what is it used for? Chlorine dioxide solutions, which are chlorine dioxide dissolved in water, are sold as MMS or CDS and are primarily used for disinfecting surfaces and treating industrial water.
Chlorine dioxide is composed of one chlorine atom and two oxygen atoms and exists as a highly volatile gas at room temperature, emitting a strong odor. MMS, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or Master Mineral Solution, contains chlorine dioxide as its active ingredient and is a combination of sodium and chlorine, specifically a sodium chlorite solution (note: this should not be confused with sodium chloride table salt). It can be activated with various acids, such as citric acid, to release the chlorine compound. This compound then becomes gaseous chlorine dioxide, which possesses both corrosive and disinfectant properties
When sodium chlorite (not sodium chloride!) comes into contact with water, bacteria and viruses are eliminated depending on the concentration.
Mixing sodium chlorite with an acid produces chlorine dioxide, a highly reactive chemical compound of chlorine and oxygen. Therefore, MMS combined with an acid becomes CDS.
Studies have been conducted on the application of chlorine dioxide (CDS) in water and wastewater treatment, environmental and food disinfection, as well as disinfection in the medical field. Additionally, chlorine dioxide is approved for the treatment and disinfection of drinking water according to the Drinking Water Ordinance of Germany. If the concentration of the chlorine dioxide solution is below 0.3%, it is no longer required to be labeled as a hazardous substance in the final product.
However, there is no available data to prove the effectiveness of CDS or to assess the risk-benefit ratio through clinical trials on laboratory animals or humans. Therefore, these products are not approved as medicinal products, food or feed, and are not intended for direct use on animals or humans.
In certain circles, CDS is promoted as a “miracle cure,” often without highlighting or downplaying the potential dangers. It is true that some books mention that CDS is only approved as a water purification agent in Germany, but this statement is usually included to protect the authors from potential liability claims if readers were to follow the other claims of the miracle cure and use it on themselves or their animals.

Among the proponents of CDS, the effect is described as follows: Since chlorine dioxide purifies water, when consumed, this is transferred to the human body, which comprises 70% water. This leads to the assumption that chlorine dioxide can intercept pathogens already present in the body, even before the onset of disease. Jim Humble, the originator of the idea to use chlorine dioxide as an internal disinfectant, tested CDS on malaria patients and subsequently promoted it as a “miracle cure” for all infectious diseases, ranging from malaria to HIV. The proponents claim that CDS, through a mild oxidation process, is capable of killing germs. It is purported to be weak enough to not harm the body, yet strong enough to eradicate pathogens Proponents argue that the body’s own bacteria are immune to CDS since they are impervious to oxygen.
‘Good and bad’ bacteria?
Taking a moment to reflect on this statement reveals its complete absurdity. “Endogenous” bacteria or true symbionts differ in every organism. How can a remedy like CDS (or colloidal silver or even propolis, which are claimed to possess similar abilities in distinguishing “good” from “bad” bacteria) selectively identify which bacteria to eliminate? The only commonality among bacteria from various animal species, such as those in the intestine, is their anaerobic nature, meaning they can only survive in the absence of oxygen. This is due to the usual lack of oxygen in the intestines. If these anaerobic bacteria come into contact with oxygen (via fecal excretion or exposure to CDS), they perish. Both “good” and “bad” bacteria meet the same fate.
The body’s composition of 70% water primarily resides within cells. CDS, in its current form, does not penetrate these cells. If it were to do so, the cells would rapidly die as free oxygen has a lethal effect on them. It is crucial to keep CDS out of the bloodstream as it not only affects bacteria but also sensitively oxidises and destroys blood cells. Conversely, most bacteria possess more effective defense mechanisms against external assaults than our body’s own cells. Therefore, the idea of an antibacterial agent entering the body and spreading throughout is alarming, as it would be detrimental to the organism’s survival.
While it may be possible to render nearly 100% of pathogens harmless through oxidation by CDL in a laboratory setting, the conditions within a living organism are distinctly different.
In summary, even individuals who endorse CDL and claim to have witnessed positive results emphasize the dangers and lack of scientific studies, attributing the responsibility for use to personal judgment. This should inspire critical thinking and caution before blindly accepting recommendations based on hearsay. It must be underscored that there are no scientific studies on the effects described in relevant literature, including side effects and placebo effects. Consequently, the use of CDL on horses is strongly discouraged.
- Dr. Antje Oswald (2020): Das CDL-Handbuch – Gesundheit in eigener Verantwortung. Schnaittach. Daniel-Peter-Verlag. 7. Aktualisierte Auflage.
- Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen. Österreich (10.11.2020): https://www.basg.gv.at/marktbeobachtung/amtliche-nachrichten/detail/warnung-vor-chlordioxidloesungen-mms-cds-cdl
- Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (02.07.2012): BfR rät von der Einnahme des Produkts „Miracle Mineral Supplement“ („MMS“) ab. www.bfr.bund.de/cm/343/bfr-raet-von-der-einnahme-des-produkts-miracle-mineral-supplement-mms-ab.pdf
- Jui-Wen-Ma et al. (2017): Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a Chlorine Dioxide Solution. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Schweiz.
- Trinkwasserverordnung §11 Aufbereitungsstoffe und Desinfektionsverfahren. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/trinkwv_2001/__11.html
- Vitalundfitmit100 GmbH (2022): https://www.vitalundfitmit100.de/CDS/CDL
- Waxenegger, Christopher und Dorschner, Gert (14.06.2022): MMS – Fakten und Wissenswertes. https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/bibliothek/naturheilkunde/alternative-mittel/mms
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