For a long time, the trace element zinc was always a focal point when dealing with issues related to the coat, skin, or hooves. However, new studies indicate that problems in this area are often associated not only with zinc deficiency but also with sulphur deficiency.
This mineral has received little attention to date, partly because it is not typically included in blood tests. New study results have emerged, demonstrating that horses with chronic inflammatory processes in the intestine develop significant sulphur deficiency along with corresponding consequential symptoms. For those interested, further details can be found at
If sulphur is deficient, amino acids may be formed incorrectly, among other issues. For example, in cases of sulphur deficiency, selenium may be incorporated instead of sulphur in the formation of the amino acid cysteine. However, selenocysteine possesses different biochemical properties compared to the normal, sulphur-containing cysteine.
This is necessary, for example, for the formation of the protective mucus layer in the respiratory tract. Sulphur-containing amino acids also play a pivotal role in all processes involved in horn formation.
If an unrecognized sulphur deficiency is present, this can not only result in a selenium deficiency visible in the blood count but also lead to health problems
- of the respiratory tract (COPD, “hay dust allergy”),
- of the hooves (poor horn quality, slow growth, etc.),
- of the coat (poor shedding, thin hair)
- or the skin (tendency to eczema or mud fever).
At Sanoanimal, we are continually striving to halt inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa and promote regeneration by optimizing feeding and rehabilitating the intestinal environment.

With Sulphur Plus from OKAPI, we can now actively assist horses in restoring normal sulphur metabolism.
OKAPI Sulphur Plus contains organically bound sulphur, which has been demonstrated to be highly bioavailable. Within a few weeks, horses experience significant improvement in horn quality in the coronet area, calming of skin problems, easier coat changes, and denser growth of mane and tail. Additionally, horses suffering from chronic coughs frequently experience significant improvement in respiratory symptoms with OKAPI Sulphur Plus.
We recommend the targeted use of OKAPI Sulphur Plus following consultation with the attending veterinarian or therapist
- for horses with chronic respiratory problems, laminitis, sweet itch, mud fever/rash,
- for horses that show difficulties with coat change or mane and tail growth,
- for horses that are prone to itching or dry, flaky skin.

OKAPI Sulphur Plus is generally well-received by horses experiencing deficiency symptoms and can be easily mixed into soaked sainfoin, hay pellets, or a small amount of mash.